29 Aug Stop procrastinating and put your Big Girl Pants on!
Stop procrastinating and put your Big Girl Pants on!
This was what I told myself in January this year. I decided that this was the year to stop procrastinating about all the things that were scaring me and put my Big Girl Pants on.
One of the things on my horribly long list when I wrote it down and stared it in the face (after a very large gin) was my website. I loved its layout but I had changed as a coach and it hadn’t. My wonderful original web designer Kate had moved on to pastures new and WordPress had updated so much that I had no clue what to do with my site.
All that had brought on the Ostrich Syndrome. You know how that works, right? Head firmly in the sand, butt in the air, hoping the problem would just GO AWAY.
But this was the year, I decided. Either I was going to sort it out or take it down.
Why had I put it off?
I was, quite simply, overwhelmed by the enormity of the task. It was full of things I didn’t know the answers to: who would I get to redesign it, who would I get to take the photos, how much would it cost, what did I actually want it to say?
So I broke it down in to every single question, every single step. It was still very daunting.
But I tackled it one little bit at a time and committed to taking at least one tiny step a day. I trusted my instincts with the people I wanted to work with. They were kind, understanding, sympathetic and didn’t make me feel stupid for asking questions.
Slowly but surely the list got ticked off.
And if you are reading this, you can see the result. The lovely Marie at Poppy Design Studio refreshed my site and used the wonderful photos that Dorte from Dorte Kjaerulff Photography took to create what you are looking at now. I am so thrilled with it!
So if you are struggling to get on with something that is overwhelming you, I can promise you that taking action, however slowly, will make you feel a lot better than trying to avoid it. And if you need a bit of help, click here to get a copy of my free e book Overwhelmed to Organised or click here to book a Clarity Hour and let me guide you through to a solution.
I know how paralysing procrastination can be. I know the guilt and shame that goes with that.
You don’t have to feel that way.
My website is proof that Big Girl Pants feel good!
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