I decided about 3 months ago that, having been in a classroom for most of my life – first as a pupil then as a teacher – that I wanted a new direction. Now don’t get me wrong I LOVE my job. It is one of the most important jobs on the planet. However, I am beginning to find the hours and resilience required so draining and I feel like I am fighting a system that doesn’t put children at the centre. Together with my new retirement age of 56, I don’t think I’m going to have the stamina to cope.


Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. -George Bernard Shaw


So…what to do? Well I have been working with and along side a Life Coach for the last 2 years and, apart from helping me change my thinking about…well everything…I have seen the difference he is having working with children in the classroom. And I thought…could I???

As I say, I am pretty much a teacher through and through, apart from a bit of party planning during my maternity break years, so to even contemplate doing something different is very very scary. Definitely out of my comfort zone.

So I did some thinking, talked it over with my Coach and decided that, if I didn’t try it I would regret it more than if I did have a go and it didn’t work. I have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain. And I’m doing it! I want to get qualifications (‘cos that’s the kind of girl I am) but Life Coaching isn’t regulated so I don’t need any to get started, while I save up.

What I need is Life Experience, some idea about how Life Coaches work and a total commitment to bringing about positive change in people’s lives. And I’ve got those!

I also needed a website, a blog and social media pages. Well the last 2 were definitely within my comfort zone – I’m always on Facebook and Twitter following inspirational people, including my wonderful friends. The first two, however…erm! So I have spent half term definitely breaking out of my comfort zone! Thank heavens for my wonderful husband who is much more tech savvy than I am. But I’ve done it! With his help, I’ve designed a website. Let me just type that again….I’ve designed a website!!!! So I’m already a success because I have learned something new that I didn’t know a week ago! It’s not the best website in the world but it’s mine, all mine and my husband and I spent hours together making it – a bit like having a baby!

And now it’s blog learning time. Deep breath. I can do this. Heck I’m doing it. And if you end up reading this, I’ll have done it!Open Door Thinking

Come on, break out. It feels so good!

So now it’s your turn. What are you sitting on that you’re not trying because of that comfort zone? Are you sitting Uncomfortably? Come on…break out. It feels so good!

Apart from the insomnia!